Give today to support El Colegio's Class of 2023!
We remain committed to providing everything our students need to succeed.
raised towards $5,000 goal
Days Left
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We remain committed to providing everything our students need to succeed.
A $5 donation can make a world of difference
Class of 2023
Our seniors have worked incredibly hard over the last four years to arrive to this part of their high school journey! As they begin to depart we have several events they would like to share with one another before they head off to their next endevors!
The Senior Trip is an amazing opportunity for our seniors to spend quality time together, cook shared meals together, bond with their fellow graduating peers, and do some Minnesota exploration as a cohort.
Despite not having a typical in-person high school experience, all of our graduating seniors are showing their resilience and their adaptability as they have transitioned between many learning formats and styles. And here they are—ready to move on to the next stage!
Please help us to celebrate their accomplishments, we appreciate your support in whatever shape or form it takes!